Vue: when to use @keyup.native in input elements

Based on your comments, I'm assuming that you're using the Vue Material libary and the <md-input> component instead of an <input> element.

If you listen to the keyup event without using the .native modifier (via <md-input @keyup.enter="doFilter">), then your component is waiting for the <md-input> component to emit a custom keyup event.

But, that component does not emit a keyup event, so the doFilter method will never be called.

As the documentation states, adding the .native modifier will make the component listen for a "native event on the root element" of the <md-input> component.

So, <md-input @keyup.native.enter="doFilter"> will listen to the native keyup DOM event of the root element of the <md-input> component and call the doFilter method when that is triggered from the Enter key.