Vue.js - Emit event from directive

So the solution I am using in Vue 2+ (considering there were no answers so far):

In directive add method:

var emit = (vnode, name, data) => {
  var handlers = ( && ||
    (vnode.componentOptions && vnode.componentOptions.listeners);

  if (handlers && handlers[name]) {

And call it this way:

bind(el, binding, vnode) {
  emit(vnode, 'bar' , {some: 'event', data: 'here'});

The benefits of an approach:

1 Keep the same code-style in your project, meaning that every handler can be declared as
v-on:handler_name and be handled in meaningful (for developer) way. Other solutions, like sending callback as parameter, are sometimes confusing and not obvious without digging into documentation/code.

2 Using built-in events system also allows to gracefully handle event objects. For example, this code will work perfectly fine:

<button v-foo @bar="bar(1, $event, 2)">{{label}}</button>
methods: {
  bar(one, event, two) { console.log(one, event, two); }


In v2.1+ you can use this inside directive binding:


Your solution was not working for me. Indeed was always undefined

What worked to trigger an event was


Hope this helps.