Visual Studio “Go to definition” disabled or gray out

Note that this can also be as a result of disabling database for C++/C#.

In Tools - Options, type "IntelliSense" into the search box, and click on C/C++ - Advanced. In the Browsing/Navigation section, change Disable Database to False, if it is not so already.

Tools - Options

After re-enabling, close and reopen to force rebuild. NOTE: IntelliSense will produce large files on disk (*.sdf and ipch) that should be excluded from Git, for example.

I know the solution has been resolved. However, I encountered the exact same problem. I searched internet. None of the trick works including this one.

Eventually, I figured out. I right clicked on the file that had the problem. I included the file in the project. Isn't that obvious. Actually not, the file has been included for a week. I have been working on that file more than 7 hours a day for the whole week. Up till yesterday 6:20 pm.

Oh, I could not compile correctly this morning. There were tons of syntax error message yesterday. This morning, I was able to compile. Strange. right? Then my go to definition was gone.

Took me a while to find out cs and designer.cs were certainly excluded, but aspx file was.

I solved the problem. Did my figure slip? I don't know.

That is one thing people check. Either yourself, someone else, or system accidentally exclude the cs files without the knowledge. I know it is strange, but it solved the problem. There are weird scenarios in Visual studio. People can present 200 solutions. They work for 99% of time, but not our cases. I just bring one more scenario

  1. Close the solution.
  2. Delete the intellisense database file for the solution: [solution].ncb or [solution].suo
  3. Reopen the solution.
  4. Optional: Rebuild the solution.