Visual studio code color picker

In release 1.15.1 they have added a color picker.

I know it's a bit old topic but it may help someone. To make color pick working you need as Mia mentioned Install Node.js and add it to $PATH. It will ask you during installation about adding both Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager) to PATH.

If picker still doesn't work there are 3 settings (quote from official description):

  1. If the dialog box is not shown correctly, set colorHelper.disableGpu to 1.
  2. If that wasn't solved yet, set colorHelper.disableShadow to true.
  3. If that wasn't solved yet, set colorHelper.disableTransparent to true.

For me setting colorHelper.disableTransparent to true fixed the problem. colorHelper.disableGpu and colorHelper.disableShadow left default.

To get to that settings press Ctrl+,

The extension Color Picker does actually work but you need to Install Node.Js from this website, also note that when you first try to use the plugin it does an initial configuration which takes a few minutes.