Visual Studio Code: C++ include path

If you are using CMake, VSCode has CMake plugins to help you build the project. So you do not need to modify the settings.json. Just use:


Or if there are no other modules used the header files in that folder you could use something like:

target_include_directories(MyHelper, "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include") 

If you only need the project be built successfully. That is the whole story.

In the case of that, you got some little green zigzag lines under the #include statements hurting your eyes. You need to generate c_cpp_properties.json. It has nothing to do with helping the compiler to build the code but for helping VSCode intellisense to realize the existence of libraries and header files. And again, you are able to leverage the CMake by adding CMake options in the CMakeLists.txt:


The CMake will generate a file compile_commands.json under your build directory. The VSCode is able to parse the Json file and find the include path based on the content in that file. So what you need to do is just letting VSCode know where is the Json file. You can do that by adding follwing line in the c_cpp_properties.json:

 "configurations": [
            "name": "Mac",
            "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json",

Rebuild the project will let the VSCode intellisense find all necessary paths.

Ubuntu: 16.04.3
VSCode: 1.23.1
VSCode plugins: C/C++ 0.17.0, CMAKE 0.0.17, CMakeTools 0.11.1

Okay, this was foolish, but in the event someone uses Visual Studio Code and does not have a trivial project. These instructions are assuming you're using clang compiler:

  1. Open your project directory
  2. Open .vscode/settings.json
  3. Configure the line below inside of the JSON object:

    // Compiler options for C++ (e.g. ['-std=c++11'])
    "clang.cxxflags": [
        "-I/path/to/my/include/directory" // header files