Visual Studio 2013 won't sync unpushed commits to Git

The installation of Security Protocol Manager in the VS extension did solve the problem for me by just ticking the Tls12. The image below FYI.

enter image description here

Here is the answer I got from GitHub

[ Yesterday GitHub turned off TLSv1 and 1.1 in efforts to permanently deprecate several weak cryptographic standards. You could read more about that here:

To fix this issue, you should upgrade to the latest version of Visual Studio, 15.5.7- which provides support for TLSV1.2. This update allows Git to connect to services that have deprecated support for TLSv1 and TLSv1.1. ]

It looks like VS2013 is no longer supported.

This is a big problem from me because the team I am part of only has VS2013.

Some additional information relating to Teller's post:

I was able to download the Security Protocol Manager for VS2013 here.

After it is installed you'll want to restart Visual Studio.

You can access the dialog mentioned by going to TOOLS => Security Protocol Manager 2013