visual studio 2013 hangs on right click

Just sharing as I had a different cause, so this may help some one else. My visual studio (2015) was locking up for 10-20 seconds on the right click context menu on the solution.

It turned out to be a faulty extension. Go to 'tools' > 'Extensions and updates', and try disabling all your extensions. If that solves it, try enabling a few at a time, until you narrow it down to a particular extension.

In my case, it happened to be the 'ImageOptimizer' extension, that comes part of Madz 'web extention pack': Github issue on 'ImageOptimizer'

ReSharper can cause this problem. You can suspend it (temporarily) to see if the problem is solved. If it is indeed solved, you should clear ReSharper's cache before you enable it again. Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\ReSharper and delete the SolutionCaches folder for whatever version of ReSharper you are using.

I just had the same issue and in my case wasn't Resharper the culprit. What worked for me was, inside VS, right clicking the SOLUTION, open Nuget Package Manager and at the top was a message telling "There are missing packages". I clicked to restore them and immediately after that the problem was solved.