Visual Studio 2010 F10/F11 Stepping Slow, Toolbar Stepping Fine?

I had exactly the same problem. The problem was solved by closing the Watch window.

I've found a deeper explanation for this problem.

I had this problem, with the symptoms user1110039 described BUT I haven't installed LastPass toolbar. And my default browser is Firefox.

Well, my application uses SetWindowsHookEx() function for setting a system wide shortcut. Which happens to be the reason for blocking F10/F11 debug keys (only in Windows 7 64 bits) It doesn't happen under 32 bits.

I've just removed the hook from the debug build and it works ok. I reckon the problem with LastPass is some system wide hook in the code of the extension.

I had exactly the same problem - extremely slow debugging with keyboard (F10 for example). Some symptoms:

  • if I click Step Into on toolbar, then everything works normal,
  • the lag during debugging is present not only in Visual Studio but anywhere (notepad, browser,...),
  • if I set any other browser as default browser in Visual Studio (I tried Firefox), then it works OK,
  • if I disable third-party browser extensions in IE, then it works OK,
  • if I enable third-party browser extensions and disable LastPass, then the problem is gone and debugging with keyboard is fast again!

So, try to disable LastPass extension if you have it or all extensions and try it.

Edit1 - somebody allready posted this on LastPass forum:

Edit2 - and here on SO also :)