Vim: Repeat previous motion?

Instead of repeating the motion, there is a plugin for expanding regions via + and shrinking _:

Well there is a command to repeat every motion made with f,t,F or T Remember that
fx takes to the next occurrence of the character x
Fx takes to the previous ocurrence of x
tx takes you to the character before the next occurrence of x
Tx takes you you to the character after the previous occurrence of x
to repeat those motions press


to repeat them backwards (in the oposite direction) press


There are some plugins that provide this functionality:

  • repmo.vim: repeat motions for which a count was given
  • repeatable-motions.vim: Make most motions repeatable
  • repmo.vim: give vim support of repeat motion operations (k,j, h,l, w,b, W,B, e,E, ge,gE)

