Vim highlighting for specific file types (where to put syntax files, vim events, line to put into vimrc)

Did you try this..

  • Put your jak.vim in .vim/syntax folder
  • put the following lines only in your .vimrc file.
syntax enable
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.jak set filetype=jak
I tried this with your jak.vim file.... It worked fine for me....
I am using vim7.2...
Try this,
I had the same problem with those mkview and loadview lines... just set filetype once in the file and it will be retained then

Open the file, then do ":set ft=jak", save the file and quit vim.... Now reopen the file... syntax highlighting should work now...
mkview and loadview seems to save the last syntax highlight settings also....

I must admit, I don't know for certain how useful this would be to you... But...

I have appended the text incase the page is taken down... Or altered...

How To Add A File Extension To vim Syntax Highlighting Posted by Artem Russakovskii on April 2nd, 2008 in Databases, Linux, Programming 24 delicious saves 2 diggs Share 3retweet

Updated: July 8th, 2009

Today I was asked a question about defining custom extensions for vim syntax highlighting such that, for example, vim would know that example.lmx is actually of type xml and apply xml syntax highlighting to it. I know vim already automatically does it not just based on extension but by looking for certain strings inside the text, like

After digging around I found the solution. Add the following to ~/.vimrc (the vim configuration file):

1 2 3 syntax on filetype on au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lmx set filetype=xml After applying it, my .lmx file is highlighted:

Same principle works, for instance, for mysql dumps that I have to do from time to time. If they don't have a .sql extension, you'll get something like:


1 2 3 syntax on filetype on au BufNewFile,BufRead *.dump set filetype=sql everything is fine:

But why and how does it work, you ask?

:help au :au[tocmd] [group] {event} {pat} [nested] {cmd}

Add {cmd} to the list of commands that Vim will execute automatically on {event} for a file matching {pat}. :help BufNewFile When starting to edit a file that doesn't exist. :help BufRead When starting to edit a new buffer, after reading the file into the buffer. :help filetype will actually tell this whole story in part B. And that's how you do it, folks.