vim E365: Failed to print Postscript File

Not a lot of clues there...

Starting Vim with verbose turned on gvim -V and doing :hardcopy might produce some clues.

Also, this might also be useful :set printexpr?

You can also check if the regular command lps is working, and whether you have the default printer set up correctly. Another useful command is set pdev=printer_name

Excellent answer above. A few other pointers I'd like to share after just printing from Vim for the first time:

  • You can find your printer name in Ubuntu by checking the CUPS interface at http://localhost:631/printers/

  • To print without the file name header use: set popt=paper:letter,header:0

  • Finally, you can print using: hardcopy

I had the same error when my system had two printers configured with no default. Setting a default resolved the problem.

