View Gradle dependency tree in Eclipse

For me, it was simply one command

in build.gradle add plugin

apply plugin: 'project-report'

and then go to cmd and run following command

./gradlew htmlDependencyReport

This give me a HTML report WOW Html report 💕

Or if you want the report in a txt file, to make search easy use following command

gradlew dependencyReport

enter image description here

That's all my lord.

Use gradle 'project-report' plugin to generate report in HTML format.

Add plugin in your build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'project-report'

And generate report using:

> gradle htmlDependencyReport

At the time of writing, neither Spring Eclipse Integration Gradle nor Buildship provide a Dependency Hierarchy view we know from m2e.

I don't know when this has been implemented but you can do a gradle dependencies either on command-line or via Buildship Gradle Tasks view within Eclipse. This prints a nice dependency tree of your project's dependencies to the console.