View contents of a .woff2 font file

So, In the end I have not found any options to view the .woff file. To somebody struggling with this, here's what I did:

1) Convert the woff font to ttf with one of the converters available online.

2) Open the ttf file with your system default font viewer (FontBook on Mac), or one of the available for download (i.e. FontForge, FontExplorer X).

This probably is prone to errors during the conversion phase, but it's better than nothing.

I was searching for something like this and I found FontTools:

You can install it with Python's pip package manager:

pip install fonttools[ufo,lxml,woff,unicode]

Once installed, you may want to use the fonttools ttx command to extract the Glyphs table from both your fonts and them further compare the generated .ttx files:

fonttools ttx -t GSUB --flavor woff2 -o woff2.ttx some-font.woff2
fonttools ttx -t GSUB -o ttf.ttx some-font.ttf
diff woff2.ttx ttf.ttx