Vertically center contents of table cell

You can do this with the m{} column of array package. I have demonstrated two ways below. First one using m column and second one using tabularx with array package. egreg's answer comes handy here. Both m and X columns make the contents left anigned (they are just minipages). If you want them centered you can add >{\centering\arraybackslash} in their declarations as in the code below.


  unit = 0.7,
  dimen = middle,
  ticks = none,
  labels = none

 \psset{linecolor = red}
  \psline(!#1 0.2 sub #2)(!#1 0.2 add #2)
 \psset{fillcolor = red}
  \psframe[fillstyle = solid](!#1 0.5 sub 0)(#1,#2)


  \begin{tabular}{l c   
     Begreb               &
     Forkortelse          &
     Enkeltobservationer  &
     Intervaller            \\
     Hyppighed            &
     $h(x)$               &
     \enkeltobservationer &
     \intervaller           \\

                             >{\centering\arraybackslash}X}    %%% \widthof from calc package
     Begreb               &
     Forkortelse          &
      Enkeltobservationer  &               
      Intervaller            \\             
     Hyppighed            &
     $h(x)$               &                %%% \centering added to declaration above
     \enkeltobservationer &
     \intervaller           \\


enter image description here

As what I said in the comment, it is very very easy (as I have done this kind of table many times). :-)



  unit = 0.7,
  dimen = middle,
  ticks = none,
  labels = none

 \psset{linecolor = red}
  \psline(!#1 0.2 sub #2)(!#1 0.2 add #2)
 \psset{fillcolor = red}
  \psframe[fillstyle = solid](!#1 0.5 sub 0)(#1,#2)


  \begin{tabular}{A{0.15}{2}{1.5} >{\centering}A{0.15}{2}{1} >{\centering}A{0.35}{2}{1} >{\centering}A{0.35}{2}{1.5}}
     Begreb               &
     Forkortelse          &
     Enkeltobservationer  &
     Intervaller            \tabularnewline\hline
         Hyppighed                      &
     $h(x)$               &
     \enkeltobservationer &
     \intervaller                   \tabularnewline\hline


enter image description here

With vertical and horizontal lines

enter image description here

The magic numbers in A{...}{...}{...} will be explained later if requested.