Vertical bar symbol within a markdown table

If you are typing math and $p(x|y)$ breaks the formula, use \vert instead of |.

If the usual strategies won't work you should be able to use a Unicode character that looks like a bar, but isn't, e.g. Unicode Character 'INTEGRAL EXTENSION' (U+23AE):

| foo   | bar |
| ----- | --- |
| `a⎮b` | baz |

Docusaurus maintainer here! Docusaurus uses Remarkable for parsing Markdown.

As you pointed out in your question, you can write this in your table - | and it will render as |.

If you want it to appear with monospaced styling, wrap it in <code>&#124;</code> instead of using backticks. You will have to write HTML and not markdown to get it to work.

Refer to line 30 of Reason Cheatsheet. I recently fixed a similar issue in the Reason docs.

## Boolean

| JavaScript                                            | Reason                                         |
| ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `true`, `false`                                       | `true`, `false` \*                             |
| `!true`                                               | Same                                           |
| <code>&#124;&#124;</code>, `&&`, `<=`, `>=`, `<`, `>` | Same                                           |
| `a === b`, `a !== b`                                  | Same                                           |
| No deep equality (recursive compare)                  | `a == b`, `a != b`                             |
| `a == b`                                              | No equality with implicit casting (thankfully) |


Reason Table