Vertical alignment on merged cells with multirow

Look, ma! No multirow! ;-)




 \multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{}}{}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{H1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{H2} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{H3} \\
 L1 & \entry{a_{11}}\corner{c_{11}}  & \entry{a_{12}}\corner{c_{12}} & \entry{a_{13}}\corner{c_{13}} \\
 L2 & \entry{a_{21}}\corner{c_{21}}  & \entry{a_{22}}\corner{c_{22}} & \entry{a_{23}}\corner{c_{23}} \\


enter image description here

A version of your tabular typeset using cals. This version two mimics the column width in the question (10mm/6mm+2tabcolsep+arrayrulewidth):


\let\nc=\nullcell                                                  % Shortcuts

\newcommand{\corner}{\dimexpr(6mm+12.4pt)\relax}          % Same column width as in the question
\newcommand{\noncorner}{\dimexpr(10mm+12.4pt)\relax} % Comepnsated for  and tabcolsep



% Defining seven columns relativ to each other and relativ to the margins.

% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.4pt}   % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@cs@width{0.4pt}             % Inside rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy

\def\tb{\ifx\cals@borderT\relax      % Top border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderT\relax\fi}

\def\bb{\ifx\cals@borderB\relax      % Botton border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderB\relax\fi}

\def\rb{\ifx\cals@borderR\relax      % Right border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderR\relax\fi}

\def\lb{\ifx\cals@borderL\relax      % Left border switch (off-on)
\else \let\cals@borderL\relax\fi}

% R1
% R2 Body
% R3 Body
    \bb\lb\nc{lrb}\alignR\sc{\vfil $L1$}\lb\bb
    \alignC\nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil $a11$}
    \nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil $a12$}
    \nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil $a13$}
% R4 Body
% R5 Body
    \bb\lb\nc{lrb}\alignR\sc{\vfil $L2$}\lb\bb
    \alignC\nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil $a21$}
    \nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil $a22$}
    \nc{lrb}\sc{\vfil $a23$}
\end{calstable}\par % \par needed to align the tabular


enter image description here

  • With your MWE and using recent version of array package I cant reproduce in question showed image of table. The baselines of "L1" , "a1" and \clines below "c" cells are vertically aligned. Do you have recent version of LaTeX installation? Read comments below question
  • Your code can be much shorter (the most of \multicolumns{1}{...}{...} are superfluous, adding few of \multicolumns{2}{c}{}` simplify a code):
\newcommand\mcc{\multicolumn{2}{c|}{}}  % new



    \begin{tabular}{c | *{3}{C{\nocorner}|C{\corner}|} }
         & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$H1$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$H2$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$H3$}   \\ \cline{2-7}
        & \multirow{2}{*}{$a_{11}$}
            & $c_{11}$
                & \multirow{2}{*}{$a_{12}$} 
                    & $c_{12}$
                        & \multirow{2}{*}{$a_{13}$}
                            & $c_{13}$  \\
        & \mcc & \mcc & \mcc            \\
        & \multirow{2}{*}{$a_{21}$}
            & $c_{21}$
                & \multirow{2}{*}{$a_{22}$}
                    & $c_{22}$
                        & \multirow{2}{*}{$a_{23}$}
                            & $c_{23}$  \\
        & \mcc & \mcc & \mcc            \\


enter image description here

