excel-vba least common multiple code example

Example: excel vba least common multiple

'VBA function to find the Lowest Common Multiple of two numbers:

Function LCM(ByVal a, ByVal b)
    LCM = a * b / GCD(a, b)
End Function

Function GCD(ByVal a, ByVal b)      '<--Euclid's algorithm
    a = Abs(a): b = Abs(b)
    While b
        If a > b Then a = a - b Else b = b - a
    GCD = a
End Function
MsgBox LCM(24, 36)          '<--displays: 72
'Note: the LCM() worksheet function is also available but requires the 
'slow call to the worksheet calcuation engine:
MsgBox WorksheetFunction.LCM(24, 36)


Vb Example