Vault error while writing

I was able to write after enabling a separate path with the below command

vault secrets enable -path=my-app kv
vault write my-app/my-app password=123

In Spring Cloud Config, i had to mention the folder name as backend in bootstrap.yml file

      token: bc53d1a4-2551-4869-9574-7a9e60501ec1
      scheme: http
        backend: my-app

Try the following ..

./vault kv put secret/my-app password=123

I'll add that this is something new in 0.10.0.

Seems like 0.10.0 has some breaking API changes ... so solution #2 is to use an earlier version of Vault (v0.9.6). This includes defaulting to the v2 of the KV secret engine , which is versioned.

Solution #3 is to re-create the /secret engine with v1 of KV. Running the following:

./vault secrets disable secret 
./vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=secret kv

I got the same error, during using python, hvac, vault and kv as engine. And kv-engine is versioned. I used hvac client

client.write("secret/taras", data=dict(python='is secret'))

So I got

InvalidPath: "request_id":"d5c0f889-2c42-4141-1cc6-31ed1336c768","lease_id":"","renewable":false,"lease_duration":0,"data":null,"wrap_info":null,"warnings":["Invalid path for a versioned K/V secrets engine. See the API docs for the appropriate API endpoints to use. If using the Vault CLI, use 'vault kv put' for this operation."],"auth":null}

The way I have solved this issue was changing path for storing secret

client.write("secret/data/taras", data=dict(python='is secret'))

PS: as you understood the name of my secret is "taras".