Value is in enum list

Here is an extension method that helps a lot in a lot of circumstances.

public static class Ext
    public static bool In<T>(this T val, params T[] values) where T : struct
        return values.Contains(val);


Console.WriteLine(1.In(2, 1, 3));
Console.WriteLine(1.In(2, 3));
Console.WriteLine(UserStatus.Active.In(UserStatus.Removed, UserStatus.Banned));

Use Enum.IsDefined


public enum enStage {Work, Payment, Record, Return, Reject};
int StageValue = 4;

Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enStage), StageValue)

If it is a longer list of enums, you can use:

var allowed = new List<UserStatus> { UserStatus.Unverified, UserStatus.Active };
bool ok = allowed.Contains(status);

Otherwise there is no way around the long || predicate, checking for each allowed value.