Validating UK phone number (Regex C#)

You may try this regex if you are trying to get it with +44


This will match for

+447222555555 | +44 7222 555 555 | (0722) 5555555 #2222


You can try this regex for UK phone numbers:

/^\(?0( *\d\)?){9,10}$/

This regex will check for 10 or 11 digit numbers which are there in UK numbers, starting with a 0, which may have formatting spaces between any of the digits, and optionally a set of brackets for the area code.

Also in your regex you need to add @ to get rid of that error(Unrecognized escape sequence):

public static bool ValidatePhoneNumber(string number)
   return Regex.Match(number, @"^(\+44\s?7\d{3}|\(?07\d{3}\)?)\s?\d{3}\s?\d{3}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success;

This is a pretty solid regex, will handle area codes, extension numbers and the +44 international code as well as mobile numbers and even 10 digit numbers:


Try using this:


In order for the regex to recognize the \s, \d, etc you need to put double slash \\. If not you'll get an illegal escape character error.


