Wordpress - Validating Custom Meta Box Values & Required Fields

The easiest way is to add Javascript validation via the jQuery Validate plugin. Here's the most basic walkthrough:

Near your add_meta_box call, enqueue the jQuery Validate plugin as well as a JS file for your simple script:

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'add_my_js');   
function add_my_js(){    
  wp_enqueue_script('my_validate', 'path/to/jquery.validate.min.js', array('jquery'));
  wp_enqueue_script('my_script_js', 'path/to/my_script.js');

Then in my_script.js include the following:

jQuery().ready(function() {

This will enable validation on the post form. Then in the add_meta_box callback where you define the custom fields, you'd add a "required" class for each field you wish to validate, like so:

<input type="text" name="my_custom_text_field" class="required"/>

All fields with "required" in their class will be validated when the post is saved/published/updated. All of the other validation options (rules, error styling, etc) can be set in the document.ready function in my_script.js; check the jQuery Validate docs for all the options.

The Complete Basic Code to add jQuery Validation:

  1. Enqueue the validation script. I assume jQuery is already enqued.

        $validation',$validation_js_url = #your validation.js source;
        wp_register_script( 'validation',$validation_js_url,array(),'',true );
        wp_enqueue_script( 'validation' );
  2. In the js file or script tag:

        var form = $("form[name='post']");
  3. Done :)

I used this code, very helpful, justa changed:




'Cause if you have another form inside the main form this start the script.





'Cause the first line only save the post as draft and you can't publish it no more.

Written everything here: http://allgraphics.it/blog/2012/10/jquery-validation-sui-campi-di-input-postcustom-post-di-wordpress/