Vagrant up error in headless Ubuntu: The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot

According to mitchellh

Can you start the machine manually (from the GUI)? This error message is usually indicative of VirtualBox issues.

my solution

I use vagrant under windows though, I solved this problem by simply kill all the VirtualBox process, and restart VirtualBox GUI, start the VM, then normally power off it.

maybe useful links

These two issues may help. may also be helpful.

In case if you've installed the virtual box 4.3.14 then there is a known issue of "Anti virus conflict". You need to uninstall the 4.3.14 and install 4.3.15 as explained in this thread.

In my case I tried to start the VirtualBox via the GUI. It turned out that VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration was not activated on my system and later that it wasn't available. I had to use a 32 Bit Distribution along with this config settings.