Vagrant Error: Unable to Mount VirtualBox Shared Folders (Guest Additions, vboxsf)

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

This didn't work for me, it seems to be incompatible with vagrant 1.9.2, I uninstalled the latest version of virtual box (5.1.16) and installed version 5.1.12 with the latest version of vagrant 1.9.2 and homestead and it works for me.

You can downgrade VirtualBox or edit the line in the file:

On my setup this was Line 206 of:


on my host machine.

I did this and it worked fine on Windows 10! I would like to add what I did with line 206:

Before edit: "\\?\" + path.gsub("/", "\")

After edit: path.gsub("/", "\")

Guest Additions is incompatible with the version of VirtualBox. Autoupdating VirtualBox Guest Additions will solve probably related issue:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

I exprerienced this issue with these stack:

  • Windows 10
  • Oracle VirtualBox 5.1.16
  • Vagrant 1.9.2
  • = "hashicorp/precise64"