UUID performance in MySQL?

At my job, we use UUID as PKs. What I can tell you from experience is DO NOT USE THEM as PKs (SQL Server by the way).

It's one of those things that when you have less than 1000 records it;s ok, but when you have millions, it's the worst thing you can do. Why? Because UUID are not sequential, so everytime a new record is inserted MSSQL needs to go look at the correct page to insert the record in, and then insert the record. The really ugly consequence with this is that the pages end up all in different sizes and they end up fragmented, so now we have to do de-fragmentation periodic.

When you use an autoincrement, MSSQL will always go to the last page, and you end up with equally sized pages (in theory) so the performance to select those records is much better (also because the INSERTs will not block the table/page for so long).

However, the big advantage of using UUID as PKs is that if we have clusters of DBs, there will not be conflicts when merging.

I would recommend the following model: 1. PK INT Identity 2. Additional column automatically generated as UUID.

This way, the merge process is possible (UUID would be your REAL key, while the PK would just be something temporary that gives you good performance).

NOTE: That the best solution is to use NEWSEQUENTIALID (like I was saying in the comments), but for legacy app with not much time to refactor (and even worse, not controlling all inserts), it is not possible to do. But indeed as of 2017, I'd say the best solution here is NEWSEQUENTIALID or doing Guid.Comb with NHibernate.

Hope this helps

Something to take into consideration is that Autoincrements are generated one at a time and cannot be solved using a parallel solution. The fight for using UUIDs eventually comes down to what you want to achieve versus what you potentially sacrifice.

On performance, briefly:

A UUID like the one above is 36 characters long, including dashes. If you store this VARCHAR(36), you're going to decrease compare performance dramatically. This is your primary key, you don't want it to be slow.

At its bit level, a UUID is 128 bits, which means it will fit into 16 bytes, note this is not very human readable, but it will keep storage low, and is only 4 times larger than a 32-bit int, or 2 times larger than a 64-bit int. I will use a VARBINARY(16) Theoretically, this can work without a lot of overhead.

I recommend reading the following two posts:

  • Brian "Krow" Aker's Idle Thoughts - Myths, GUID vs Autoincrement
  • To UUID or not to UUID ?

I reckon between the two, they answer your question.

A UUID is a Universally Unique ID. It's the universally part that you should be considering here.

Do you really need the IDs to be universally unique? If so, then UUIDs may be your only choice.

I would strongly suggest that if you do use UUIDs, you store them as a number and not as a string. If you have 50M+ records, then the saving in storage space will improve your performance (although I couldn't say by how much).

If your IDs do not need to be universally unique, then I don't think that you can do much better then just using auto_increment, which guarantees that IDs will be unique within a table (since the value will increment each time)