Utility method to convert Boolean into boolean and handle null in Java

How about:

boolean x = Boolean.TRUE.equals(value);

? That's a single expression, which will only evaluate to true if value is non-null and a true-representing Boolean reference.

On java 8 you can do:

static boolean getPrimitive(Boolean value) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(value).orElse(false);

You can also do:

static boolean getPrimitive(Boolean value) {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean("" + value);

If you're golfing, an explicit null check followed by automatic unboxing is shorter than the canonical answer.

boolean b=o!=null&&o; // For golfing purposes only, don't use in production code

Are you looking for a ready-made utility ? Then I think Commons-Lang BooleanUtils is the answer. It has a method toBoolean(Boolean bool).