/usr/bin/env: python2.6: No such file or directory error

I think you might be confused about the location of your python executables, versus the location of the lib site-packages.

Your python site-packages should be here:

But your executables should probably be here:

If you run this following command, it should tell you where it is currently finding the executables:

which python
which python2.7

Your $PATH environment variable should contain paths that have executable files directly underneath. i.e. $ echo $PATH

If your executable is in another location that is not in your path and you don't want to neccessarily add that location to your path, you can also just symlink it to somewhere normal....

ln -s /path/to/executable /usr/bin/executable

Here is a trick to find all the executable files named python:

find /usr -type f -name 'python*' -perm -a+x

This might help you locate python2.6

You need python2.6 in your $PATH.

