Using supercollider with python

You can also use Python-osc. ( i really like that one!) @caseyanderson is right about there not being a python implementation. you can grab it with pip: pip install python-osc and import with import pythonosc or grab from here:

I am not aware of a python implementation of SuperCollider, however it is very easy to communicate between SC and Python with OpenSoundControl. Here is some sample code that shows how to send control information from Python to SC (used here as the audio engine). First the SC part:


SynthDef( \sin, { | amp = 0.01, freq = 333, trig = 1 |
    var env, sig;
    env = Env.asr( 0.001, 0.9, 0.001 ), trig, doneAction: 0 );
    sig = [ freq, freq * 0.999 ], 0.0, amp ) * env; [ 0 ], sig * 0.6 );

h = Synth( \sin, [ \amp, 0.4 ] );

x = OSCFunc( { | msg, time, addr, port |
    var pyFreq;

    pyFreq = msg[1].asFloat;
    ( "freq is " + pyFreq ).postln;
    h.set( \freq, pyFreq );
}, "/print" );

Now the Python part:

import pyOSC3
import time, random
client = pyOSC3.OSCClient()
client.connect( ( '', 57120 ) )
msg = pyOSC3.OSCMessage()

So, you would still need to write some code in SC (to generate the type of audio, as well as to establish the connection between Python and SC), but you could do everything else in Python. See the link to the tutorial page for a significantly more in depth explanation (as well as a basic explanation of working with SC).

FoxDot ( may provide what you are looking for