Using for blogging: Article VS BlogPosting Article, BlogPosting

If something is a schema:BlogPosting, it is an schema:Article, too, isn't it? As schema:BlogPosting is a more specific schema:Article:

More specific types

  • BlogPosting
  • NewsArticle
  • ScholarlyArticle

So you have an schema:Article, and now you may decide if one of these more specific types applies to your content. If not, stay with schema:Article.


  • No need for the title attribute on the bookmark link (as it contains the same content).

  • You could use the time element for the publication dates.

  • I wouldn't use a sub-heading for publication date and author, as I don't think it's an alternative title or a tagline (might be appropriate for your actual content, though). Instead, I would include these in a footer element:

    A footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote it …

  • I wouldn't include the image in a p element. You could omit any "container" element, or use a div if you need one.

  • The link "Read the full article..." shouldn't be in the footer. I'd use the nav element, as it is the main navigation for that sectioning element (→ article).

  • I'd use a dl element (or a ul) for the keywords.

So an article could look like:

<article itemscope itemtype="">

  <h1 itemprop="name headline"><a rel="bookmark" href="#just-a-test3">Why all of your website designs should be responsive</a></h1> 
  <!-- no need for 'header', but can be added if needed -->

    Publish Date: <time itemprop="datePublished">2013-01-25</time> by: <a rel="author" href="">Simon Hayter</a>
    <!-- 'dl' could be used if you use "Author:" instead of "by:" -->

  <img itemprop="image" src="" alt="markup3">

  <p itemprop="description">This is a very long sentence to demonstrate a snippet of a blog article, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah da da da da di di di dim dim dim di</p>

    <a itemprop="url" class="more-link" href="#just-a-test3">Read the full article...</a>

      <dt>Filed Under</dt>
      <dd itemprop="keywords"><a href="#">Responsive Design</a></dd>
      <dd itemprop="keywords"><a href="#">Website Design</a></dd>


In my view and experience, blog post schema should be used for posts on a blog. It contains all the properties you may require on a blog posts (albeit, so does article schema).

The more a search engine utilises information provided via Schema, the more relevant your content becomes if it can be correctly identified (is marked up). I'd associate Articles schema with content published by a news or educational organisation and the likes of more official documentation or papers.

This question could also be considered a duplicate with this one.