Using RegEx in SQL Server

You do not need to interact with managed code, as you can use LIKE:

CREATE TABLE #Sample(Field varchar(50), Result varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #Sample (Field, Result) VALUES ('ABC123 ', 'Do not match')
INSERT INTO #Sample (Field, Result) VALUES ('ABC123.', 'Do not match')
INSERT INTO #Sample (Field, Result) VALUES ('ABC123&', 'Match')
SELECT * FROM #Sample WHERE Field LIKE '%[^a-z0-9 .]%'

As your expression ends with + you can go with '%[^a-z0-9 .][^a-z0-9 .]%'

To make it clear: SQL Server doesn't support regular expressions without managed code. Depending on the situation, the LIKE operator can be an option, but it lacks the flexibility that regular expressions provides.

Regular Expressions In SQL Server Databases Implementation Use

Regular Expression - Description
. Match any one character
* Match any character
+ Match at least one instance of the expression before
^ Start at beginning of line
$ Search at end of line
< Match only if word starts at this point
> Match only if word stops at this point
\n Match a line break
[] Match any character within the brackets
[^...] Matches any character not listed after the ^
[ABQ]% The string must begin with either the letters A, B, or Q and can be of any length
[AB][CD]% The string must have a length of two or more and which must begin with A or B and have C or D as the second character
[A-Z]% The string can be of any length and must begin with any letter from A to Z
[A-Z0-9]% The string can be of any length and must start with any letter from A to Z or numeral from 0 to 9
[^A-C]% The string can be of any length but cannot begin with the letters A to C
%[A-Z] The string can be of any length and must end with any of the letters from A to Z
%[%$#@]% The string can be of any length and must contain at least one of the special characters enclosed in the bracket