Using readline in Node.js

If I were to do this I would start by making a promise based version of the readLine question function:

const question = (str) => new Promise(resolve => rl.question(str, resolve));

And I would structure it as a set of steps:

const steps = {
  start: async () => {
    return steps.seeCars();
  seeCars: async () => {
    const seeCars = await question("Would you like to see which cars are available? Please type yes/no: ");
    if (seeCars === 'yes') { return steps.showCars(); }
    if (seeCars === 'no') { return steps.locationSearch(); }
    console.log('No worries, have a nice day');
    return steps.end();
  showCars: async () => {
    console.log('showing cars');
    return steps.end();
  locationSearch: async () => {
    const longlat = await question("Would you like to search by latitude or longitude instead? If yes, please type latitude and longitude: ");
    return steps.end();
  end: async () => {

If you're new to async functions note that you have to type await before your question to instruct node not to proceed until the question resolves with an answer.

Also note that whenever we change steps you need to return so that the rest of the step doesn't run.

Here is the complete program for you to copy and play with:

const readline = require('readline');

const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,

// Create a promise based version of rl.question so we can use it in async functions
const question = (str) => new Promise(resolve => rl.question(str, resolve));

// A list of all the steps involved in our program
const steps = {
  start: async () => {
    return steps.seeCars();
  seeCars: async () => {
    const seeCars = await question("Would you like to see which cars are available? Please type yes/no: ");
    if (seeCars === 'yes') { return steps.showCars(); }
    if (seeCars === 'no') { return steps.locationSearch(); }
    console.log('No worries, have a nice day');
    return steps.end();
  showCars: async () => {
    console.log('showing cars');
    return steps.end();
  locationSearch: async () => {
    const longlat = await question("Would you like to search by latitude or longitude instead? If yes, please type latitude and longitude: ");
    return steps.end();
  end: async () => {

// Start the program by running the first step.