Using JavaScript to display Laravel's Variable

For more complex variable types like arrays your best bet is to convert it into JSON, echo that in your template and decode it in JavaScript. Like this:

var jobs = JSON.parse("{{ json_encode($jobs) }}");

Note that PHP has to run over this code to make it work. In this case you'd have to put it inside your Blade template. If you have your JavaScript code in one or more separate files (which is good!) you can just add an inline script tag to your template where you pass your variables. (Just make sure that it runs before the rest of your JavaScript code. Usually document.ready is the answer to that)

    var jobs = JSON.parse("{{ json_encode($jobs) }}");

If you don't like the idea of doing it like this I suggest you fetch the data in a separate ajax request.

This works for me

jobs = {!! json_encode($jobs) !!};


Only use this method if you can guarantee that $jobs contains no user input values. Using {!! ... !!} outputs values without escaping them which could lead to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

in laravel 6 this works for me

using laravel blade directive

var jobs = {!! json_encode($jobs) !!};

also used @json directive

var jobs = @json($jobs);

using php style

 var jobs = <?php echo json_encode($jobs); ?>