Using hibernate named parameter twice

setParameter(String name,Object val)

Replaces all occurence of name, specified in the query.

setParameter(String name,Object val)

This is used to bind a value to the named parameter. But a name can occur multiple times in a query that doesn't matter. So check once whether you have really data for that query.

check the documentation here

Some main text from that documentation

Named query parameters are tokens of the form :name in the query string. A value is bound to the integer parameter :foo by calling setParameter("foo", foo, Hibernate.INTEGER); for example. A name may appear multiple times in the query string.

If still u don't get the result then just try with using two names and set it

EntityManager.createQuery("SELECT a FROM a WHERE a.b = :par1 OR a.c = :par2").setParameter("par1", obj).setParameter("par2", obj);