Using Google Maps as layer in ArcMap?

Direct tile access is not allowed by Google (and this is what ArcBruTile is doing). Usually this will get your IP address banned for awhile but they could also come after you for violating their TOS.

fwiw, Arc2Earth will be adding support for this functionality in the next build. Instead of needing a Google Maps Premium license, you can purchase access at the individual user level (much, much cheaper). Yes, you'll have to pay a yearly price for it but it will be the only legal method for accessing Google data from ArcMap

Arc2Earth Data Services is exactly what you need, more info here and here

Disclaimer: I am affiliated with Arc2Earth, as you can see on my user card.

Yes. ArcBruTile - Tile Services in ArcGIS Desktop

ArcBruTile display tiles from OpenStreetMap, Bing, Google, SpatialCloud and TMS/WMS-C Services in ArcGIS Desktop.

Update: looks like references to Google have been removed from the ArcBruTile site, likely because, as commenters point out, what they're doing violates the Google Maps ToS.