Using generator send() within a for loop

I don't see a way to do this in a regular for loop. However, you could create another generator, that iterates another generator, using some "follow-function" to determine whether to follow the current element, thus encapsulating the tricky parts of your code into a separate function.

def checking_generator(generator, follow_function):
      x = next(generator)
      while True:
        yield x
        x = generator.send(follow_function(x))
    except StopIteration:

for n in checking_generator(bfs(g, start_node), process):

I discovered that my question would have had a one-line answer, using the extended "continue" statement proposed in the earlier version of PEP 342:

for n in bfs(g, start_node):
  continue process(n)

However, while PEP 342 was accepted, that particular feature was withdrawn after this June 2005 discussion between Raymond and Guido:

Raymond Hettinger said:

Let me go on record as a strong -1 for "continue EXPR". The for-loop is our most basic construct and is easily understood in its present form. The same can be said for "continue" and "break" which have the added advantage of a near zero learning curve for people migrating from other languages.

Any urge to complicate these basic statements should be seriously scrutinized and held to high standards of clarity, explainability, obviousness, usefulness, and necessity. IMO, it fails most of those tests.

I would not look forward to explaining "continue EXPR" in the tutorial and think it would stand out as an anti-feature.

[...] The correct argument against "continue EXPR" is that there are no use cases yet; if there were a good use case, the explanation would follow easily.


If python core developers have since changed their mind about the usefulness of extended "continue", perhaps this could be reintroduced into a future PEP. But, given a nearly identical use case as in this question was already discussed in the quoted thread, and wasn't found persuasive, it seems unlikely.