Using Factory Boy with GeoDjango PointFields

I believe you need to create a custom fuzzy attribute for point instances. Can you try this? Right now I don't have the setup to run it all through.

import random
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
from factory.fuzzy import BaseFuzzyAttribute

class FuzzyPoint(BaseFuzzyAttribute):
    def fuzz(self):
        return Point(random.uniform(-180.0, 180.0),
                     random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0))

class PlaceFactory(FakerFactory):
    name = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda x:
    location = FuzzyPoint()
    class Meta:
        model = models.Place

Fussy is about to be deprecated as Factory Boy documentation says.

Now that FactoryBoy includes the factory.Faker class, most of these built-in fuzzers are deprecated in favor of their Faker equivalents.

As @Steven B said, you must create your own provider. I did some changes to his code in order to make the provider as generic as possible.

class DjangoGeoPointProvider(BaseProvider):

    def geo_point(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs['coords_only'] = True
        # # generate() is not working in later Faker versions
        # faker = factory.Faker('local_latlng', **kwargs)
        # coords = faker.generate()  
        faker = factory.faker.faker.Faker()
        coords = faker.local_latlng(**kwargs)
        return Point(x=float(coords[1]), y=float(coords[0]), srid=4326)

Note: coords_only must be always true because we just need lat and long values, without any extra metadata.

Note 2: generate() is deprecated, see related answer.

Finally, it is like using the local_latlng provider or any of the built-in providers. Here is a full example:

class TargetFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):

    class Meta:
        model = Target

    radius = factory.Faker('random_int', min=4500, max=90000)
    location = factory.Faker('geo_point', country_code='US')

Note: 'US' is the default country code, it could be omitted in this example, but you could use any of the other specified countries code in Faker doc.