Using enum as property of Realm model

You should override your kindEnum's setter and getter for this case:

enum Kind: String {
  case CheckedIn
  case EnRoute
  case DroppedOff

class Checkin: Object {
  @objc dynamic var id = 0
  var kind = Kind.CheckedIn.rawValue
  var kindEnum: Kind {
    get {
      return Kind(rawValue: kind)!
    set {
      kind = newValue.rawValue

Realm 10.0.0 introduces PersistableEnum Protocol that makes it easy to persist enum values without any third-party extensions.

enum TaskStatusEnum: String, PersistableEnum {
    case notStarted
    case inProgress
    case complete
// To use the enum:
class Task: Object {
    // Required enum property
    @Persisted var status = TaskStatusEnum.notStarted 
    // Optional enum property
    @Persisted var optionalTaskStatusEnumProperty: TaskStatusEnum? 

I've refined this model a little further.

enum Thing: String {
    case Thing1
    case Thing2
    case Thing3

then in my Realm class object:

class myClass : Object {
    private dynamic var privateThing = Thing.Thing1.rawValue
    var thing: Thing {
        get { return Thing(rawValue: privateThing)! }
        set { privateThing = newValue.rawValue }

This allows us to write

myClassInstance.thing = .Thing1

(storing "Thing1" into privateThing), but prevents typing of

myClassInstance.privateThing = "Thing4"

which is not a valid value so preserving data integrity.

Since Realm support Objective-C enums and they are representable by Int you can use this:

class Checkin: Object {
  dynamic var id: Int = 0
  dynamic var kind: Kind = .checkedIn

  @objc enum Kind: Int {
    case checkedIn
    case enRoute
    case droppedOff

If you need to parse to/from String you can use a custom initializer for Kind and an toString function.

There is a discussion about this in GitHub

This works with Swift 3.0 and Realm 2.0.2



