Using .each on dynamic objects in jQuery?

$.each works with any new elements added.

Doing something different each time:

Actually, it's as simple as running the .each inside setTimout.

}, 5000);

You can use $(".inputs").each(function(){$(this).val("new-value")}; perfectly fine on dynamic elements. You just need to rerun the script after you added an element dynamically.

From the comments I figured that some misunderstanding exists about 'each'. 'Each' is not an event and so no event is fired if 'each' is called. If you want to keep track of added elements because you have no control over when they are added you'd need a timer:

setInterval(function(){ $(".inputs").each(function(){$(this).val("new-value")}; },500);

Here is much better script that does exactly what the OP asked.

function doWithInput(i, e){
	$(e).val("done with each");

       $("#inputs").append("<input class='inputs_new' type='text' /><br />");

$(document).on("DOMNodeInserted", ".inputs_new", function(e) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="inputs">
    <input class="inputs" type="text" placeholder='type in me' /><br />
<button type="button" id="button">Add</button>