Using CPAN with a proxy failing after o conf init /proxy/

Install LWP. The cpan utility is using curl, I guess because it couldn't load LWP. No proxy parameters are being passed to curl, so you need the export http_proxy=http://host:port/ before running the command.

Or, if you can install LWP using your distribution's package manager, then it should configure the proxy access correctly.

you need to provide absolute proxy URL address for configure CPAN proxy settings . don't worry instead of providing simply IP address and port number please provide as given below.

cpan> o conf init /proxy/

Your ftp_proxy? []

Your http_proxy? []

Your no_proxy? []

and provide username and password if needed (Make sure that you have the downloading permission )

I also have same the issue, but now its working for me. I should also work for you.

BR Jerry James

You can try using this before calling cpan:

export http_proxy=http://my_net_id:[email protected]:3128/

This way maybe curl will use the proxy.