Using conditional operators in v-model?

If you use eslint-plugin-vue it will complain about ternary in v-model.

ESLint: 'v-model' directives require the attribute value which is valid as LHS. (vue/valid-v-model)

So I'd rather explicitly use a pair of :value and @input props.

Like that:

  placeholder="Job title" 
  :value="experiences[editIndex].title ? experiences[editIndex].title : ''"
  @input="experiences[editIndex].title = $"

Also, you can use some function for @input, which will check property existence and add it if necessary.

You can use conditional operators with v-model, but you can't give v-model a string like you're attempting in your example.

I wouldn't use the same form for editing and creating (might be preference). I would make the form its own component and then make two additional form components for editing and creating.

However, if you really want to handle the logic in each input's v-model directive, you would need to give it a variable in the last part of the ternary operator. Something like this:

v-model="experiences[i].title ? experiences[i].title : newExperience.title"