Using CKEditor instead of PrimeFaces Editor

As el wont be able to evaluate non-JSF component.

Add this to your page :

<h:inputHidden value="#{EditorBean.value}" id="editorValue"/>

and onblur of editor textarea assign the value to the hidden element using

document.getElementById(editorValue).value = this.value;

Since this question bumped up somehow....

There is another option:

You can use the PrimeFaces Extensions , here is the link PrimeFaces Extensions CKEditor

Here an example from the showcase

<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true" />  
<pe:ckEditor id="editor" value="#{editorController.content}" interfaceColor="#33fc14">  
    <p:ajax event="save" listener="#{editorController.saveListener}" update="growl"/>  

<p:commandButton actionListener="#{editorController.changeColor}" update="editor"  
      value="Change color with AJAX" style="margin-top:10px;"/> 

try this:

<textarea class="ckeditor" cols="80" id="editor1" rows="10"/>
<h:inputHidden value="#{tskCtrl.selected.dsc}" id="editorValue"/> 
<p:commandButton onclick="document.getElementById('editorValue').value = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();" action="#{tskCtrl.create()}" value="Post" />