Using Async await in react component

I think you need more about async/await in JS.

An async function always return a promise. So x in Wrapper is a promise. Because you don't use await/async.

It should be like this.

async Wrapper = (body) => {
        let x = await this.Send(body); // <-- missing await here
        return x;

But then, the code in render doesn't work. because this.Wrapper() now returns a promise. -> returnData is a promise. And the render method can't be async function :)

render(props) {
    const returnData = this.Wrapper(jsonBody) // <-- returnData here is a promise.

So to make things work.

You have to use state. Call the this.Wrapper in componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate. For example:

constructor() {
    // ...
    this.state = { returnData: null }
async componentDidMount() {
   const returnData = await this.Post(...); // Using await to get the result of async func
   this.setState({ returnData });

async Post(body) {
    const options = {
      method: 'POST',
      body: body
    return rp(options); // define await then return is unnecessary 

render() {
     const { returnData } = this.state;
    // ... Do the rest
