Using additional data in php exceptions

You need to extend Exception class:


class ResponseException extends Exception 
    private $_data = '';

    public function __construct($message, $data) 
        $this->_data = $data;

    public function getData()
        return $this->_data;

When throwing:


throw new ResponseException($response->error, $someData);

And when catching:

catch(ResponseException $e) {
    $data = $e->getData();

Dynamic Property (not recommended)

Please note that this will cause deprecation error in PHP 8.2 and will stop working in PHP 9 according to one of the PHP RFC

As the OP asking about doing this task without extending Exception class, you can totally skip ResponseException class declaration. I really not recommend do it this way, unless you've got really strong reason (see this topic for more details:

In throwing section:

$e = new Exception('Exception message');
$e->data = $customData; // we're creating object property on the fly
throw $e;

and when catching:

catch(Exception $e) {
    $data = $e->data; // Access data property

September 2018 edit: As some of readers found this answer useful, I have added a link to another Stack Overflow question which explains the downsides of using dynamically declared properties.