useReducer's initialState is typed as never?

I also struggled with this problem. The best way to prevent bugs seems to me to add the State Interface as the return type of the reducer. Then you see the type errors inside the reducer instead on the useReducer line.

like this:

function reducer(state: IState, action: IFluxAction): IState {
   // reducer code
   // type errors are visible here 

The issue is most likely with your reducer's declaration. The initialState's type must be the same as the state's type and return value in the reducer function.

This will work:

function reducer(state: {email: string}) {
  return state
const initialState = {
  email: '',
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState)

This will produce an error:

// state has a different type than initialState.
function reducer(state: {address: string}) {
  // No return statement.
const initialState = {
  email: '',
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState) // Error

In the React's typing you can see that the useReducer generic function always expects the initialState type to be of a ReducerState<R> type. The ReducerState<R> is a conditional type that tries to infer the proper state's type and falls back to never if it fails.