Use URI builder in Android or create URL with variables

Let's say that I want to create the following URL:

To build this with the Uri.Builder I would do the following.

Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder();
    .appendQueryParameter("type", "1")
    .appendQueryParameter("sort", "relevance")
String myUrl =;

There is another way of using Uri and we can achieve the same goal

To build the Uri you can use this:

final String FORECAST_BASE_URL = 
final String QUERY_PARAM = "q";
final String FORMAT_PARAM = "mode";
final String UNITS_PARAM = "units";
final String DAYS_PARAM = "cnt";

You can declare all this the above way or even inside the Uri.parse() and appendQueryParameter()

Uri builtUri = Uri.parse(FORECAST_BASE_URL)
    .appendQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM, params[0])
    .appendQueryParameter(FORMAT_PARAM, "json")
    .appendQueryParameter(UNITS_PARAM, "metric")
    .appendQueryParameter(DAYS_PARAM, Integer.toString(7))

At last

URL url = new URL(builtUri.toString());
  • Source: Udacity Android course / Sunshine app