Use regex to rename keys of array of objects

You could map new object with a new key and create a single object with Object.assign.

const result = => Object.assign(...Object
    .map(key => ({ [key.replace(/[.|&;$%@%"<>+]/g, '')]: datum[key] }))

With the ES8 Object.fromEntries method that has already found its way in FireFox, you can do:

const sanitiseKeys = o => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(o).map(([k,v]) => 
                                            [k.replace(/[.|&;$%@%"<>+]/g,""), v]));

// Example use:
var data = [{ "name#": "John" }, { "@key": 2 }];

data =;


If not yet implemented, here is a polyfill:

Object.fromEntries = arr => Object.assign({}, ([k, v]) => ({[k]: v}) ));