Use Parcelable to pass an object from one android activity to another

Create your class and implements Serializable:

private class myClass implements Serializable  {

And do like:

myClass obj = new myClass();
Intent aActivity = (A.this, B.class);
intent.putExtra("object", obj);

On Receiving side:

myClass myClassObject = getIntent().getSerializableExtra("object");  

As the error suggests, you need to make your class (myClass in this case) implement Parcelable. If you look at the documentation for Bundle, all the putParcelable methods take either a Parcelable or a collection of them in some form. (This makes sense, given the name.) So if you want to use that method, you need to have a Parcelable instance to put in the bundle...

Of course you don't have to use putParcelable - you could implement Serializable instead and call putSerializable.

Parcelable is pain in writing code but more cost effective than Serializable. Have a look at the given below link -

Parcelable Vs Serializable