Use own username/password with git and bitbucket


git remote -v

and check whether your origin's URL has your co-worker's username hardcoded in there. If so, substitute it with your own:

git remote set-url origin <url-with-your-username>

Well, it's part of BitBucket philosophy and workflow:

  • Repository may have only one user: owner
  • For ordinary accounts (end-user's) collaboration expect "fork-pull request" workflow

i.e you can't (in usual case) commit into foreign repo under own credentials.

You have two possible solutions:

  1. "Classic" BB-way: fork repo (get owned by you repository), make changes, send pull request to origin repo
  2. Create "Team", add user-accounts as members of team, make Team owner of repository - it this case for this "Shared central" repository every team memeber can push under own credentials - inspect thg repository and TortoiseHg Team, owner of this repository, as samples

I figured I should share my solution, since I wasn't able to find it anywhere, and only figured it out through trial and error.

I indeed was able to transfer ownership of the repository to a team on BitBucket.

Don't add the remote URL that BitBuckets suggests:

git remote add origin https://[email protected]/teamName/repo.git

Instead, add the remote URL without your username:

git remote add origin

This way, when you go to pull from or push to a repo, it prompts you for your username, then for your password: everyone on the team has access to it under their own credentials. This approach only works with teams on BitBucket, even though you can manage user permissions on single-owner repos.

The prompt:

Password for 'https://[email protected]':

suggests, that you are using https not ssh. SSH urls start with git@, for example:

[email protected]:beginninggit/alias.git

Even if you work alone, with a single repo that you own, the operation:

git push

will cause:

Password for 'https://[email protected]':

if the remote origin starts with https.

Check your remote with:

git remote -v

The remote depends on git clone. If you want to use ssh clone the repo using its ssh url, for example:

git clone [email protected]:user/repo.git

I suggest you to start with git push and git pull for your private repo.

If that works, you have two joices suggested by Lazy Badger:

  • Pull requests
  • Team work


