Use of private constructor to prevent instantiation of class?

You could add a private constructor, but there are two other options.

In the same situation I would use an enumerator. If it makes sense to your implementation, you could use that instead, if it's public or private depends on where you need to use it:

public enum MyStrings {

  ONE ("something"),

  TWO ("something else");

  private String value;

  private MyStrings(String str) {
     this.value = str;


Another option would be to put it in an abstract class, those can not be instantiated:

public abstract MyStrings {

  public static final String STUFF = "stuff";
  public static final String OTHER = "other stuff";

Access for both enumerator and abstract class works just like with the implementation you presented:


For me the best explanation is in Effective Java book: Item 4: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor (See more)

In Summary:

  • Private constructor is due utility classes were not designed to be instantiated, so is a design decision. (NO performance or memory overhead)
  • Making a class abstract doesn't work because can be subclassed and then instantiated.
  • With an abstract class the user may think the class is for inheritance.
  • The only way to ensure no instantiation is to add a private constructor which ensures the default constructor is not generated.
  • Private constructor prevents inheritance because the super constructor cannot be called (so it is not need the declare the class as final)
  • Throw an error in the private constructor avoids call it within the class.

Definetively, the best way would be something like next:

public class MyStrings {

     private MyStrings () {
       throw new AssertionError();

Use of private constructor to prevent instantiation of class?

There are several ways you can think of users preventing from the Instantiations for the purpose of creating the Constants

  1. As you have mentioned a class with the private Constructors and has all the string constants, is one way, even there is an overhead, that can be negligible
  2. Else you can create a Class with Final Modifier and Define your string constants
  3. You can use the Abstract Class with the String Constants
  4. You can define the string constants in the properties files and can access from that, this will definitely reduce the memory and increase the flexibility of your code.