Use material-ui table with react-beautiful-dnd

I came across this while working on a similar task. Re the OP's question, TableRow and TableBody both support a ref prop (vs. innerRef) that forwards to the root element.

Refer to the FAQ:


This is mentioned in the docs for both TableRow and TableBody:


Therefore you do not necessarily need to move the Draggable/Droppable parts into their own components per the answers from @Bryant and

You also don't necessarily need to pass isDragging to your TableRow (though you could if you created a custom wrapper component that accepts this prop). If your use-case is styling the row when dragged, you can add a className or style prop to your TableRow and apply conditional styling when isDragging is true.

Here's a working example of a Material UI table that features sortable rows with react-beautiful-dnd:


Incidentally I created it as part of an issue report because I'm not sure why there is a 1 pixel jump (the thickness of the border-bottom on table cells) when a given table row is dragged, but that's another issue! The implementation is solid enough to support the many cases where a minor 1px visual glitch is acceptable.

I had this same problem. What you have to do is move the Draggable/Droppable part into a component and pass that in via the component attribute.

For example, I wanted to be able to re-order columns in a table header. Row is my droppable area, and Cell is Draggable.

public render() {
    return (
        <TableHead component="div">
            <TableRow component={DroppableComponent(this.onDragEnd)}>{headerCells}</TableRow>

const DroppableComponent = (
    onDragEnd: (result: DropResult, provided: ResponderProvided) => void
) => (props: any) => {
    return (
        <DragDropContext onDragEnd={onDragEnd}>
            <Droppable droppableId={'1'} direction="horizontal">
                {(provided) => {
                    return (
                        <div ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.droppableProps} {...props}>

Notice I made Droppable Component be a function that returns a function. That was so that I could pass in the onDragEnd method from my main component. I tried putting my DroppableComponent in the component attribute as JSX and I was getting an error, so this is what I ended up with.

For the Draggable part I had the following:

    component={DraggableComponent(, index)}

const DraggableComponent = (id: string, index: number) => (props: any) => {
    return (
        <Draggable draggableId={id} index={index}>
            {(provided) => (

Hope this helps!

I have created a github example repo using @Bryant's solution.

It shows how to combine Bryants solution with react-material-ui. It also shows row vs colums dnd and visual feedback during dnd. It is a complete reusable solution.


Material Ui