Use first row of a table as legend entry in pgfplot graph?

You can access the column names of a PGFplots table through the macro \pgfplotstablegetcolumnnamebyindex{<index>}\of{<table macro>}\to{<macro>}. You can use this while looping through the columns of a table using \pgfplotsinvokeforeach{<list>}{<commands>} to add the column names as legend entries.

I've written a \plotfile macro that takes a filename as argument and then plots all columns starting from the second column against the first column:


Time Distance Velocity Something
0 0 1 0.2
1 1 1 0.3
1.999 1.999 1 0.4
2 2 0 0.4
3 2 0 0.5

        \addplot table [y index=##1] {#1}; 

\begin{axis}[legend pos=north west]

plotting columns from a table

I used the following to read a file, plot some columns and add legend entries, this worked fine:

width=\columnwidth, height=0.7\columnwidth,
xlabel={Frequency (GHz)}, ylabel={Image rejection (dB)}]
\foreach \n in {3,4,...,6} {
  \addplot table[x=IF,y index=\n]{\SimIR};
\caption{Image rejection versus frequency.}%

